viernes, 26 de junio de 2009

My blogging experience

We have been a full term writing blogs, and after all, I have to consider if I liked the experience or not. Well, for starters, I like computers, so, the mix between English and computers has been a good item to my interest in the field. The blog has been a good way to think about my life in the present, my past and obviously, my future.
It also helped me increase my vocabulary in context, my English, to order my thoughts, and think very well what I'm going to say for not expose my personal life.
About the advantages and disadvantages, I think in terms of benefits, write blogs helps to improve language, improve the way that we write and learn more about our partners, because with all the stress of university, we don't have time to talk about what we live day by day, and this is a good time to do that. Now, about the disadvantages, we don't have developed the pronunciation, because we have to be very focused on what we write. Also, I think that we expose a lot of times our personal lives and can be dangerous.
But undoubtedly, the best thing about this course (lectures and blogs) has been the opportunity to meet other people, people in physical therapy and obstetrics.
Well, despite the fact that we do not talk much between us, we had to learn to live with another career, and realize the variety of tastes that exist. They have been very shy, but also very good people and has been a pleasure for me to know them

Anyway, I find very good idea to write blogs in the classroom, and should be repeated forever. I also think that there should be a note on the presentation of the blog

Thanks you.

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